This site is intended to be a communication tool for allotment holders and potential allotment holders at the Eltham Palace Road allotments.
It’s purpose is to:
- Supplement the information provided by the Council,
- Remind allotment holders of their responsibilities,
- Provide a mechanism for the site rep to inform allotment holders on developments such as grass cutting dates, repairs to be undertaken and compost deliveries,
- Provide potential allotment holders with information about the allotment,
- Provide links to relevant sites that may be of use to allotment holders,
- Provide allotment holders with the opportunity to post comments to other allotment holders on aspects ranging from advice to giveaways.
Feel free to post messages. They get moderated before going live so expect a delay.
There is a ‘WhatsApp’ group that may be a faster method of communication between plot holders.