Compost and Horse Manure Deliveries

Horse Manure Deliveries

Periodically, we arrange for deliveries of horse manure. It generally comes from the Met Police horse barracks and is good quality manure. It is fresh and will be dropped in the communal plot so it can compost down.

Notification of delivery dates are posted in the noticeboard at the front gate and messages put on the WhatsApp group..


There is no communal compost pile.  Allotment holders need to set up a composting process on their own sites or remove waste off site.

Periodically, we get tree surgeons to deposit truck loads of tree chippings on the communal plot.  These are also fresh and need to compost down.

Allotment holders are encouraged to arrange for these deliveries from any tree surgeon that they come across.

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5 Responses to Compost and Horse Manure Deliveries

  1. Anne 11A says:

    I look forward to manure. Will this be a communal manure heap, or will we each have a share to take? Will you need help unloading? And will there be a charge?
    Thanks for organising!

    • David says:

      It will be a communal heap. In previous years I had it dropped by the gate down the end of the drive and we had to clear it quickly. This year I am hoping to dump it in the area that I am clearing out so we can access it easier and also when each person needs it.

  2. Przemyslaw says:

    Hello David,

    Do you know exactly when the manure is going to be delivered? I would like to take some on my plot but do not know when I shall book a time slot.


    • David says:

      I normally try to get it delivered in November. This year the Council are going to get a digger in to clean up the site around the compost area and create 2 or 3 new plots. I also want to get a clean compost area established here as well as an area set aside to dump the manure. I’ll update progress on the web site. David

  3. David says:

    The latest with manure is that the person who I usually use doesn’t have the contract any more and he doesn’t know who does. Looks like its going to be too late for this year.

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