Common Area

The plot nearest the gate has been converted to a common area. Half has been set up to store horse manure and other compost. Plot holders are welcome to take what they want from this area but are also encouraged to add to it where they may have contacts to supply horse manure, tree chippings or other products to compost.

A shed will be put on the other half so plot holders can share produce and socialise. It can also be used to store communal tools such as grass strippers, lawn mowers, cultivators etc. Funding will be needed to set this up and that will be the focus of future plans.

A future plan is also to obtain funding for a toilet.

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Repairs and Maintenance

There is no maintenance scheduled.  If there are any issues to be addressed please leave a comment or send a message on the WhatsApp group.

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Compost and Horse Manure Deliveries

Horse Manure Deliveries

Periodically, we arrange for deliveries of horse manure. It generally comes from the Met Police horse barracks and is good quality manure. It is fresh and will be dropped in the communal plot so it can compost down.

Notification of delivery dates are posted in the noticeboard at the front gate and messages put on the WhatsApp group..


There is no communal compost pile.  Allotment holders need to set up a composting process on their own sites or remove waste off site.

Periodically, we get tree surgeons to deposit truck loads of tree chippings on the communal plot.  These are also fresh and need to compost down.

Allotment holders are encouraged to arrange for these deliveries from any tree surgeon that they come across.

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Grass Cutting

The Council generally cuts the grass 7 times a year.  They only cut the grass down the access road and the common strip down the middle.

Allotment holders are responsible for the strips between plots.

The first cut is generally around the end of March each year.  The other 6 are evenly spread over April to September.

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