The key allotment holder responsibilities are to:
- Keep their allotment clean, tidy and weed free,
- Number the plots so that they are clearly visible from the path,
- Maintain the paths between each plot. Allotment holders are expected to work together to ensure the paths on each side of their plots are kept tidy,
- Not leave hoses running unattended during times of peak use,
- Remove any rubbish or weeds,
- Respect the needs of others when using the hoses as the water pressure is not great and there is often a Q waiting to use the hose during peak summer days.
There is a long wait list for plots and it is only fair that unworked plots are offered to others. If allotment holders are unable to work their plots due to illness, bereavement, etc they should make the site rep and/or Council aware of this otherwise Notices To Remedy could be issued.
Allotment holders are encouraged to erect sheds and greenhouses provided they do not block sunlight from a neighbouring plot or access down a path. If in doubt check with the site rep.
Please take any rubbish home and recycle with your household rubbish.